The tumultuous tug of war within
Gripped by the asuric forces
Of desire, that individuate endlessly
Further fragmenting onelf
Into kaama(lust), krodha(anger), lobha(greed) , moha (delusion)
Ceaselessly weakening the daivic forces
Rendering Aphrodite like beauty
To mere harlequin romance
Christ like Agapic Love
To parasitic attachment
Sophic Wisdom
To rational tyranny
The heroic Courage of the Avatar
To reckless domination
The two poles within
Clash with such an intensity
That dislocate the experiential
Axis of the Meruvian spine
To restore harmony,
The Preserver’s play ensures
The poisoning by prana
As the asuras choke..
On pompously
Squeezing the head
Of the energy infusing vasuki
The battle ensues viciously
As the dialectic destruction
Sinks the spine
Turning the blissful ocean of milk
Into an existential abyss
There arises the Dark One as
As Koorma ,the the five-star amphibian
Stabilizing the elemental play
Of the Panchabhootha(five elements)
At the lumbar base
Of Mt. Meru
Bearing on his back
The Sisyphian struggle
Of his own existence
Overwhelmed and pulled apart
He withdraws within his rockhard shell
And in Pratyahara, experiences
The burden as boon
The weight of the grind
As a kinaesthetic massage
Unravelling the treasures of life
But wait! Aaargh!
The supremely toxic halahala comes first
Faced with the terrifying shadow
Of arrogant ignorance
It threatens to turn his joyful play
To Hades’ hunger games
There arrives the Matted one, Shiva
Drinking up and absorbing the
Venomous shadow of Peter Parker
Caring not for his own survival
He gulps the malice within
With reckless equanimous abandon…
As Shakti, his will to power
Chokes his throat
Preventing the excruciating poison
Of existential dread
From descending down into
The divine solar heart…
Blueing up his throat with power
She electrifies him into
The Cool blue Neelakanta
As the churn continues ,
Lakshmi, the harmoniously beatific emerges
Opening and fulfilling the thirst
Of ecstatic aesthetics
The patient and forgiving mother
Who loves and tolerates
The lapses of human imperfection
As the asuras and devas vie for her hand
She garlands the Dark one!
In love and as love she
Tells between the player, the play
And the played ..
Then emerge the Apsaras
The charming temptresses
Who are better of with
Their dreamily tranced Gandharavas
Behind them comes Varuni,
Hijacked promptly by the asuras
The tempestuous flow
Of the watery ocean
That arouse the little ripples of desire
That build a colossal Tsunami
Of all consuming lust..
After, come the temptations
The transient bounties of the belly
Divine animals,
Kamadhenu, the ever-giving mother
Airavata, the ultimate synthesiser
Uchaisravas, the Indian Pegasus
Of monumental power
And the occult gifts of Kriya..
The Kastaubha gem of heart
Which finds the way back
Into the cosmic chest
Of Lakshmi’s Beloved
Parijata, the flowering tree
Of eternal youth
Claimed by the devas
While Sharanga,
The Celestially Crafted bow
Of the Creator, gives itself
To the Preserver as he
Plays his part in the play
Of Creative Destruction
Then comes the flirtatious moon, Soma
As the crescent Chandra
Merges, glimmering amidst
The dreadlocks of the Matted One,
The Lunatic mind merges with unruly energy
Beaming forth as the luminous Somasundara
Thus, Unlocking the ultimate prize…
Dhanvantri, the divine physician
The Lord of Life rises
Bringing forth the ambrosia of Amritha
Whiffing the divine nectar
The now subdued asuras
Decide to rise, for one last fight
As Mara, they tempt Gautama
Shaking up again,
The cosmic Balance of Power
As the devas plead in desperation
The Dark One and Matted one
Fuse together in their Compassion
As Jagan Mohini!
The magnetic earthy Seductress
Enchanting the asuras and
Aiding the devas
To gulp down the immortal Amritha
The wily asuric Svarbhanu,
Manages to sneak and steal
But now the etheral blaze
Of the dazzling sun
Reflecting itself as radiance
In the mind of the glowing moon
Enrages the emerger..
Who Slaughters Svarbhanu
By blowing himself out in Nirvana
Gautama conquers the Buddhi
In Bhumisparsha, invoking
Bhuvani( Mother Earth)as his loving witness
In the Now, Gautama becomes Buddha
Realizing his awakened being
Amidst his various becomings..
Delivering his Dhamma
In Karuna(compassion)
He partakes in pratityasamupadha (interconnectedness)
Providing the mindful steps to conquer
The demonically disembodied
Mess of Svarbhanu
who hisses in ceaseless vengeance
To settle the score, just once more
Nefariously eclipsing the warm sunny heart
And conniving to cloud the blue loony mind
From dissolving into one-none..
Thus, speaks the Samudhra Manthan
Colourfully describing
The excruciating process of
Yoking oneself in noneness
And masterfully serving as a metaphor
For those who will( no)thing
But yearn simply for the Eternal
Amidst the evanescent generations
Of ephemerally fleeting time..