Drenched in a deluge of milk
Bhuma(Earth) struggles to breath
Beneath the gargantuan pressure
Of a stellar gravitational collapse
Hiranyaksha the golden eyed!
Deluded by the boon like curse
Of immortal being
Is consumed by unquenchable carnal craving…
He unloads perverse horror
Tormenting Bhuma
Submerging her
Amidst the milky abyss..
She screams in pain
Waking Varaha
The boisterous wild boar
Growling gloriously!
He dives deep down
Into the bottomless bottom
Hoisting her out
With his corporeal vigour
Delicately, tusking her into orbit
Sensing order, Hiranyaksha!
Rushes with his rapacious mace
Rampage! As the stomping boar
Tramples on unchecked avarice..
Trumpetting merrily in Triumph
He emerges as Bhu- Varaha
Transforming his virile arousal
Tenderly impregnating Bhuma
With the ever astonishing arising
Of Altruistic mammalian magnificence!