Where Heart Meets Head
(Happy Independence Day 15nth August)) (Happy Republic Day 26th Jan)
Where courage is plenty
And head firmly rested on the shoulder
Where the chest swells with humanity
Infusing lifeblood into the dead-bones of dry logic
Where heart meets head
To overflow with tears of patriotic ecstasy
Rebuilding the rubbles of the narrow broken walls
Into towers of fraternal glory
Where words arise spontaneously
Arousing purposeful meaning
Where truth is the rule
And not the exception
Where tireless striving breaks into delightful dance
Rather than laboriously dragging downward with dead habit
Where the fixed wheels of Fate
Are overwritten into the Freedom of Destiny
Where the clear stream of reason
Flows steadily like a lively river of love
Ever-creatively greening the desiccated land
Never meandering away again
Under the flood of reptilian reaction
Where the mind is healed of needless trauma
And free to act as the perfect mirror of eternal Truth
Where the One-Self experiences itself as All selfs
Seamlessly integrating thought , action and emotion
Into that beatific bliss of Earth, my Father
Let my Mother roar …